Friday, October 23, 2009

The BIG date!!!!

Yahoo!!!Homecoming has arrived and let the pampering begin. Melissa did an ALL DAY DATE the week before the dance. Her group of 13 couples did a very long scavenger hunt from 1pm to 6pm in the afternoon, ending in a big bbq at one of person's house. One of the things they had to do was climb the goal posts at the football field. I was impressed that she got up there with out injury or ripping her jeans!

We decided to not pick the 5" heels that we found....these were lower and kinder on the feet

She curled all that thick hair and we pinned it in a half updoo. She even let me help her with some makeup....I'm so glad that she trust me and doesn't think that I'm fuddy duddy....that would be so insulting. She looked stunning and had such a great time. He only nervousness came when it was time to pin on his to prevent blood and injury, I pinned it on.

Her good friend drove over, just got her liscence, and gave her some moral support

Melissa had me paint her toes and fingernails with a silver and black french tip. Using my sweet skills.

1 comment:

katie and co. said...

Super cute boy and Melis you look SO GREAT! I wish I would've looked that good for my first dance pictures. You're a babe!