Tuesday, May 18, 2010

OH, What a night!

Prom....need I say more. One of the big rites of passage. It was a fun experience from beginning to end. Beginning: Dallin and Jace put a note on Melissa's car telling her to go home and change, she was at a YW broadcast at the church. When she got home, she went up to her room, but was already changed. She came out of her room confused.....and thats when the boys, with shirts around their heads to hide their identity, grabbed her. A mighty scream shook the house. They took her to Jaces house were she was sent on a scavenger hunt. The clues led her to a big dirt pile with the instructions to look under the bucket for the next clued. Dallin had burried himself in the dirt and had his head under the bucket. When she lifted off the bucket, he asked her to prom. We were so happy, because we had already bought the dress 2 months earlier. YAHOO!
Dinner was at the Tilleys with about 8 other couples and then off to the indoor soccer complex where the dance was being held. We totally scored.....her shoes were wedges so she didn't have to take them off during the dance.
Melissa you looked so beautiful, I loved dressing you up as a little girls and I especially love dressing you up now.

I love my relationship with my daughter. We go looking for jewelry together and she even asked me to do her hair....which by the way turned out gorgeous

The previous week, we made a trip to the mall and found these fantastic red shoes. She was tall... good thing Dallin is taller
I was out running errands and happened to see this super fundress at the mall. I took Melissa back that night and she loved it. I was so glad that we didn't have to run do endless stores!

We took a paint chip that matched her shoes to Dallin so he could coordinate with the right shade of red. Nice job

Dinner at the Tilleys, Olive Garden, before the dance.

This was the groups of kids that she went to the Mormon prom with.


Indigo said...

Wow she looks so beautiful :) My prom was last year and we don't make such a big deal out of it here in England which is such a shame! I absolutly loved my prom and haha yes dress hunting can be so crazy! You did an amazing job on her hair, the dress is beautiful and her shoes are gorgous. I'm sure, like myself she will remember her prom in years to come! :)
...love Indigo x

Jacquie said...

Melissa looks beautiful!!! I think her dress is so cool! You are so blessed to have such great children....I am so excited to have Melis here with us!!!